

Well it was a minor success, it was great for everyone involved

and everyone got their eggs. We chatted with most people and we'll keep working on it! We're already looking forward to this Saturday's Brunch with a magnificent special coming!

You shall come expecting buttermilk pancakes with fruit and orchard syrup and you shall receive! The buttermilk is made from the production of the McNally Family Farm's butter and it is amazing. You'll have the option of topping it off with some bacon if savory is what you're looking for.

We'll have the regular trio on this weekend too. Meat eggs, Veg eggs & the special coffee friendly {rb} granola!The granola just so you know is now available all week long in Roasted Brown. We make it with lashings of cardamon so it's bang on with {rb}'s amazing brewed coffees! Go try! You must!

Well I'm sure we'll pop back on with some bits during the week! Keep an eye out for some new tasty goods floating around cafés this week.

Granola by Kevin

So I had a somewhat constructive Saturday, I made this granola and some rhubarb & ginger jam. It had been a while since I last made granola so decided to make a new and improved recipe.

What you'll need:

  • 400g jumbo oats or rice flakes(gluten-free option)
  • 100g pumpkin seeds
  • 100g sunflower seeds
  • 100g almonds
  • 100g hazelnuts (skin removed)*
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 100ml orchard syrup
  • 1 tablespoon light brown sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod, split, seeds removed
  • 1 teaspoon cinnimon
  • 100g of preserved cherries or other fruit you like yourself

*I've found the best way to get skins from off hazelnuts is to put 500ml of water in a deep pot and bring to the boil, once it's boiling add a tablespoon of baking soda mix and add in the hazelnuts. Let them boil for 3min then remove and run under cold water. With you hands rub off the skin or place them on a clean tea towel and roll it a few times. You should now have naked hazelnuts..

Preheat your oven to 120°C.

In a large bowl mix all your dry ingredients (except cherries) together with vanilla seeds and cinnimon. In a small pot on a low heat mix together honey, syrup and sugar till sugar is dissolved (i put in the left over vanilla pod for some extra flavour, remove before adding to the oats) Once it's dissolved and not too hot pour slowly over the oat mix while stir with a wooden spoon. Mix well. Once everything is incorporated place the mixture on a large baking tray, level it all out with the spoon and place in the oven.

Remove the tray from the over every 15min and turn over the mixture. Keep this up for 1hr 15min. The oats and nuts will gradually darken to a wonderful golden colour.

Once the time is up, leave to cool on the tray. Once cooled mix in whatever dried/preserved fruit you'd like and place in an airtight jar. I find with this amount that I'd get about 9 serving and will last for about a month.